As an Artist, Astrologer, Dreamer, Shamanic Meta-physician and life long student of the Fine Arts, Photography and a Professional Graphic Artist; I have always been attracted to the beauty of nature and cycles of the cosmos.
Galactic Alchemy Astrology is working at the Mythic level with archetypal energies, dreams, energy-work, historical cycles and planetary transits to track the cycles of Sacred time as we move through a window of acceleration at the turning of the ages. Our work together is to discover the cycles of your soul, your personal destiny, and learn how to follow your passion and beauty path in these changing times.
Through imagery, Evolution Oracle cards and Soul Portraits we will be exploring how the various symbols, levels, intensity and vibration of color and simplicity of shape and form can reach into our ancient memories and become portals to the unconscious. What I love is the vibrancy of color and simple forms because it can take one to that collective weave of human consciousness, where everything is interconnected, a state of Being, beauty, innocence, wonder and awe.
To schedule an in person, skype or phone consultation, or ask about newsletter and email updates, please contact me for details.
I look forward to working with you on your Journey!
Carol McCloud • GalacticAlchemy.com • [email protected] • 206.499.2850 • Vashon Island, WA